The region of Spiš is one of the richest regions of Slovakia as regards its cultural and historical heritage, natural beauty, and its wide range of options for sports and relaxation. Levoča, Spiš Castle, Spišská Kapitula and Spišká Sobota hardly need introduction, just as the Tatra National Park and the Slovak Paradise attract scores of tourists to the area. Just as rich in attractions are the neighbouring regions of Liptov and Gemer, where we can mention the Castle Krásna Hôrka, the Andrássy Manor House in Betliar, or the village museum at Pribilina. Surely, you will not be bored; the challenge instead will be to choose from so many options. But you don’t have to cover it all at once. We’ll be glad to see you again and will happily give you further tips on how to spend your holiday in the region.